5 research outputs found

    Hydroponisen rehuntuotannon mahdollisuudet Suomessa

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    Hydroponisella rehuntuotannolla tarkoitetaan siementen idĂ€tystĂ€ ja versotusta niin, ettĂ€ iduista ja versoista syntyy kokonaisuudessaan elĂ€imille syötettĂ€vĂ€ rehumassa tai –matto. Hydrorehu-hankkeessa selvitettiin hydroponisen rehuntuotannon mahdollisuuksia Pohjois-Savon ja EtelĂ€-Pohjanmaan olosuhteissa vuosina 2017–2018. Hankkeessa kokeiltiin ja kehitettiin hydroponista rehuntuotantoa ItĂ€-Suomen yliopiston kasvatuskaapeissa sekĂ€ kuudella kotielĂ€intilalla Pohjois-Savossa ja EtelĂ€-Pohjanmaalla tarkoitusta varten vuokratussa siirrettĂ€vĂ€ssĂ€ kasvatusdemokontissa. Kasvatuskokeissa optimaaliseksi kasvatuslĂ€mpötilaksi osoittautui +21 °C. Viljoilla ja herneellĂ€ riittĂ€vĂ€ kasvatusaika kasvatuskontissa oli 7 vrk, kun siemenet esikĂ€siteltiin vedellĂ€ ja liotettiin 4–12 h. LisĂ€ksi havaittiin, ettĂ€ kasteluveden mÀÀrĂ€ on aina sÀÀdettĂ€vĂ€ kullekin siemenerĂ€lle ja kasvatussysteemille erikseen ja ettĂ€ suhteellisen edulliset kasveille tarkoitetut LED-valot soveltuivat hyvin hydroponiseen versonkasvatukseen. Homeet lisÀÀntyivĂ€t kasvustoissa nopeasti, mikĂ€li kasvatushuoneen lĂ€mpötila nousee korkeaksi ja kosteus on korkea. Optimaalinen tilanne kasvun kannalta on, kun kosteus on 50–60% ja huoneistossa on riittĂ€vĂ€ ilman vaihto. Kasvatuksessa kokeiltiin eri lajeja ja lajikkeita. Ohra, kaura ja hĂ€rkĂ€papu kasvoivat huonosti ja kasvustoissa oli homeita. VehnĂ€ ja herne kasvoivat hyvin. Tuoresatoa saatiin sekĂ€ vehnĂ€stĂ€ ettĂ€ herneestĂ€ keskimÀÀrin 4,5 kg kĂ€ytettyĂ€ siemenkiloa kohti, vaihtelu satomÀÀrissĂ€ oli kohtalaisen suurta. Salmonellaa ei löydetty ja Escherichia coli –bakteerin pitoisuudet olivat kahta versorehunĂ€ytettĂ€ lukuun ottamatta hyvĂ€llĂ€ tasolla ja kahdella versorehunĂ€ytteellĂ€ tulokset sijoittuivat luokkaan, jota pidetÀÀn elintarvikekĂ€ytössĂ€ hyvĂ€ksyttĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ rajana. AlkuperĂ€iseen siemenmateriaaliin verrattuna versorehu sisĂ€lsi enemmĂ€n raakavalkuaista, NDF-kuitua sekĂ€ kivennĂ€is- ja hivenaineita, mutta vĂ€hemmĂ€n solunsisĂ€llyshiilihydraatteja. Puhdas kasvusto maittoi elĂ€imille pÀÀasiassa hyvin. Havaittiin, ettĂ€ rehu tulee syöttÀÀ nopeasti, sillĂ€ se ei kestĂ€ varastointia.Ulkomailla tehtyjen tutkimusten mukaan hydroponinen viljely on hyvin harvoin nĂ€hty taloudellisesti kannattavana rehuntuotantomuotona. Hydrorehu-hankkeen demokasvatuksissa havaittiin, ettĂ€ työkustannukset, energiakustannukset, siemenkustannukset sekĂ€ haasteet rehun laadussa tuovat uhkia sekĂ€ kustannuksia hydroponisen rehun tuottoon. Mahdollisuudet kasvatuksessa voivat olla esimerkiksi virikerehun tuotannossa tai pienelĂ€inten ja hyönteisten rehuntuotannossa. Sato tuotetaan ympĂ€ristöystĂ€vĂ€llisesti, sillĂ€ rehun tuotannossa ei tarvitse kĂ€yttÀÀ kemiallisia lannoitteita eikĂ€ kasvinsuojeluaineita tai muita kemikaaleja, mikĂ€li siemen on hyvĂ€laatuista. LisĂ€tutkimuksia hydroponisesti tuotettujen rehujen merkityksestĂ€ kotielĂ€inten hyvinvointiin tarvitaan, jotta saadaan selville hydroponisen tuotannon todellinen kannattavuu

    Human DNA polymerase Δ associated proteins:identification and characterization of the B-subunit of DNA polymerase Δ and TopBP1

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    Abstract DNA polymerase Δ from HeLa cells has been purified as a heterodimer of a 261 kDa catalytic subunit and a tightly associated smaller polypeptide, the B-subunit. The cDNAs encoding the B-subunits of both human and mouse Pol Δ were cloned and shown to encode proteins with a predicted molecular weight of 59 kDa. These subunits are 90 % identical and share 22 % identity with the 80 kDa B-subunit of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pol Δ. The gene for the human Pol Δ B-subunit was localized to chromosome 14q21-q22 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Primary structure analysis of the Pol Δ B-subunits demonstrated that they are similar to the B-subunits of Pol α, Pol Ύ and archaeal DNA polymerases, and comprise a novel protein family of DNA polymerase associated-B-subunits. The family members have 12 conserved motifs distributed in the C-terminal parts, which apparently form crucial structural and functional sites. Secondary structure predictions indicate that the B-subunits share a similar fold, and phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the B-subunits of Pol α and Δ form one subfamily, while the B-subunits of Pol Ύ and the archaeal proteins form a second subfamily. The corresponding eukaryotic and archaeal catalytic subunits are not related, but all have the characteristics of replicative DNA polymerases. This indicates that the B-subunits of replicative DNA polymerases from archaea to eukaryotes belong to the same protein family and perform similar functions. In S. cerevisiae, Pol Δ associates with the checkpoint protein Dpb11. In this study, a human protein, TopBP1, with structural similarity to the budding yeast Dpb11, fission yeast Cut5 and the breast cancer susceptibility gene product Brca1 was identified. The human TOPBP1 gene localizes to chromosome 3q21-q23 and encodes a phosphoprotein of 180 kDa. TopBP1 has eight BRCT domains and is also closely related to the recently identified Drosophila melanogaster Mus101. TopBP1 expression is induced at the G1/S boundary and it performs an important role in DNA replication, as evidenced by inhibition of DNA synthesis by TopBP1 antiserum in isolated nuclei. TopBP1 also associates with Pol Δ and localizes, together with Brca1 to distinct foci in S-phase, but not to sites of ongoing DNA replication. Inhibition of DNA replication leads to re-localization of TopBP1 and Brca1 to stalled replication forks. DNA damage induces formation of distinct TopBP1 foci that co-localize with Brca1 in S-phase, but not in G1-phase. The role of TopBP1 in the DNA damage response is also supported by the interaction between TopBP1 and the human checkpoint protein hRad9. These results implicate TopBP1 in replication and checkpoint functions

    Artificial intelligence-enhanced care pathway planning and scheduling system: content validity assessment of required functionalities

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    Abstract Background Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are transforming the optimization of clinical and patient workflows in healthcare. There is a need for research to specify clinical requirements for AI-enhanced care pathway planning and scheduling systems to improve human–AI interaction in machine learning applications. The aim of this study was to assess content validity and prioritize the most relevant functionalities of an AI-enhanced care pathway planning and scheduling system. Methods A prospective content validity assessment was conducted in five university hospitals in three different countries using an electronic survey. The content of the survey was formed from clinical requirements, which were formulated into generic statements of required AI functionalities. The relevancy of each statement was evaluated using a content validity index. In addition, weighted ranking points were calculated to prioritize the most relevant functionalities of an AI-enhanced care pathway planning and scheduling system. Results A total of 50 responses were received from clinical professionals from three European countries. An item-level content validity index ranged from 0.42 to 0.96. 45% of the generic statements were considered good. The highest ranked functionalities for an AI-enhanced care pathway planning and scheduling system were related to risk assessment, patient profiling, and resources. The highest ranked functionalities for the user interface were related to the explainability of machine learning models. Conclusion This study provided a comprehensive list of functionalities that can be used to design future AI-enhanced solutions and evaluate the designed solutions against requirements. The relevance of statements concerning the AI functionalities were considered somewhat relevant, which might be due to the low level or organizational readiness for AI in healthcare

    Artificial intelligence-enhanced care pathway planning and scheduling system:content validity assessment of required functionalities

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    Abstract Background: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are transforming the optimization of clinical and patient workflows in healthcare. There is a need for research to specify clinical requirements for AI-enhanced care pathway planning and scheduling systems to improve human–AI interaction in machine learning applications. The aim of this study was to assess content validity and prioritize the most relevant functionalities of an AI-enhanced care pathway planning and scheduling system. Methods: A prospective content validity assessment was conducted in five university hospitals in three different countries using an electronic survey. The content of the survey was formed from clinical requirements, which were formulated into generic statements of required AI functionalities. The relevancy of each statement was evaluated using a content validity index. In addition, weighted ranking points were calculated to prioritize the most relevant functionalities of an AI-enhanced care pathway planning and scheduling system. Results: A total of 50 responses were received from clinical professionals from three European countries. An item-level content validity index ranged from 0.42 to 0.96. 45% of the generic statements were considered good. The highest ranked functionalities for an AI-enhanced care pathway planning and scheduling system were related to risk assessment, patient profiling, and resources. The highest ranked functionalities for the user interface were related to the explainability of machine learning models. Conclusion: This study provided a comprehensive list of functionalities that can be used to design future AI-enhanced solutions and evaluate the designed solutions against requirements. The relevance of statements concerning the AI functionalities were considered somewhat relevant, which might be due to the low level or organizational readiness for AI in healthcare